UX/UI Design &


All design, development, graphics, video and animation by me –
Select a website to visit or reach out about your next project!


Javascript + jQuery 

React.js + Node.js






Adobe Suite

Davinci Resolve



Astrology &

Tarot Readings

Universal symbolism is my preferred programming language and one I have been working with longer than any computer code. Book a reading below or reach out if you have any questions!

Traditional Hellenistic

Whole Sign Houses




Solar Return


Zodiacal Releasing

Secondary Progressions

Thoth Deck

Rider Waite

Get in touch

Let me know what you’re after  and i’ll get back to you ASAP

If you’re not sure on details yet, drop a line and we can brainstorm together!

Contact Form Demo (#3)

Looking for Astrology & Tarot readings?  Click the star at the top of the page!

Live Production company & my biggest project to date. Visuals/video content & most copywriting also by me

US Record Label POW Recordings. Minimal front end but extensive Javascript to allow for automated artists release updates site wide!

Artist portfolio for US rapper. Animated background changes relative to local timezone. Icons animated by me with visuals sourced from his Album art.

Trust website for cultural psychedelic icon Timothy Leary comisioned by his son. Still awaiting content for ‘media’ page.

12 Card Tarot Reading

15/30min | $30/60

12 Card Celtic Cross Spread to gain insight on any question.
1 Question – 15 Mins OR Multiple Questions – 30mins

Holistic Natal Reading

60 mins | $90

Deep dive into the different components of your Natal chart and how they interplay with eachother including which areas of your life are currently activated by transits and their impact.

Area Focused Reading

60 mins | $90

A focused  analysis of a specific area of life and details surrounding impacting transits and how and when to work with them. Areas include Career, Finances, Health, Relationships, Home, Mortality, Study, Travel, Mental + Emotional

Electional Timing & Forecasting

60 mins | $90

12 month forecast for how upcoming transits are impacting your chart and insight on auspicious timing for any endeavour